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Accused of DUI in And Around Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania?

Peters Law Firm June 4, 2016

DUI or Driving Under the Influence law is used to handle cases arising from accidents involving vehicles that were driven by a person under the heavy influence of drugs or other substances. DUI laws in Clarks Summit & Scranton, PA are used to trial individuals found guilty in a vehicle accident. There are three different kinds of offenses carried out in a DUI case in Pennsylvania known as the 1st Offense, 2nd Offense, and 3rdOffense. All of these offenses also bring on different kinds of punishment and penalties imposed by the court of law in Pennsylvania. However, among various other instances comes into force by the law, one thing is un-opposable: The fines. Keeping in mind the fact that road accidents can happen at almost any time in your life, it would be better to know the ways to defend yourself if accused of DUI in and Around Clarks Summit, PA. 

What You Need to Do if You Are Accused of DUI in And Around Clarks Summit, PA?

When you are arrested for the first time on a DUI charge in and around Clarks Summit, PA, the police officer who will perform the arrest will make the case details expressing reasons and explanations for such action and his/her recommendation for a DUI case. This initial report will be your very first tool in fighting for your defense in a DUI case in Clarks Summit & Scranton, PA. This is because regardless of how compelling a DUI case may appear from the prosecution in the court, the primary analysis requires the statement of the acting police officer who was responsible for the arrest and was there at the time incident occurs.

However, the police officer who was in charge of the detention must need to satisfy the court at a hearing, with his reasonable arguments for stopping an individual and suspecting him/her of DUI offense in and around Clarks Summit & Scranton, PA. The US Constitution, along with all the States in question, has very legitimate and strong laws against unjustified seizures/arrests from the law enforcement personals. The reason to describe the above is that you will obtain great help from such minor occurrences when you are about to defend yourself in the court of law against a DUI charge. A Police officer just cannot arrest or accuse anyone of a DUI charge, or any other, without substantial evidence and legitimate suspicions amounting to the incident. With the help of an experienced and smart DUI lawyer in and around Clarks Summit & Scranton,PA you can certainly exploit such loopholes for your benefit.

What Would Happen If You Are Found Guilty?

You will be charged and put to punishment under either of the three offenses mentioned in the first paragraph of this article. The fines/penalties for all the three offenses of DUI in PA state are as follows:


1st Offence

2nd Offence

3rd Offence



$300 – $2500

$500 – $5000

Suspension of License:


For 12-months

For 12-months

Minimum Jail Time:

No minimum time requirement

5 days – 6 months

10 days – two years

IID* Requirement:

Yes, in case chemical

test is refused

Yes, during license restriction period

Yes, during the tenure of license restriction

Furthermore, there are some other elements taken into consideration when accused of DUI charges in Pennsylvania State like the amount of alcohol’s influence upon the person mind and refusal for taking chemical tests. Here are the proper limits/penalties concerning both within Pennsylvanian State DUI law:


1st Offence

2nd Offence

3rd Offence

Refusal Chemical Test:

1-year license suspension

18-months license suspension

18-months license suspension

Alcohol Consideration:

Under 21 years

of Age

21 or Older




So, these are the penalties/fines you will receive when found guilty of a DUI crime in and around Clarks Summit & Scranton, PA. However, to avoid you from suffering such fate, let us now tell you how you should fight in your defense of a DUI charge in and around Clarks Summit & Scranton, PA.

What to Do to Fight Your DUI Case in And Around Clarks Summit & Scranton, PA?

The very first thing you should when you got involved in such a mess is to contact a legit and experienced DUI attorney in and around Clarks Summit or Scranton, PA. DUI case requires some thorough legal complexities which an ordinary 9-to-5 person can understand but could not execute properly enough hence making his/her case worse. A reliable DUI attorney/lawyer by your side will certainly aid you throughout the process and make your defense stronger in the court of law. A certified and well-reputed lawyer is your only way to salvation. So waste no more time in thinking act fast and get yourself a good DUI attorney.